Implicit Sharing

  • Many C++ classes in Qt use implicit data sharing to
    • maximize resource usage and
    • minimize copying.
  • Implicitly shared classes are both safe and efficient when passed as arguments,
    • because only a pointer to the data is passed around, and
    • the data is copied only if and when a function writes to it,
      • i.e., copy-on-write


  • A shared class consists of
    • a pointer to a shared data block that contains
      • a reference count and the data.
  • When a shared object is created, it sets the reference count to 1.
    • The reference count is
      • incremented whenever a new object references the shared data,
      • decremented when the object dereferences the shared data.
        • The shared data is deleted when the reference count becomes zero.
  • When dealing with shared objects, there are two ways of copying an object.
    • We usually speak about deep and shallow copies.
      • A deep copy implies duplicating and an object.
      • A shallow copy is a reference copy,
        • i.e. just a pointer to a shared data block.
    • Making a deep copy can be expensive in terms of memory and CPU.
    • Making a shallow copy is very fast, because it only involves setting a pointer and incrementing the reference count.
  • Object assignment (with operator=()) for implicitly shared objects is implemented using shallow copies.
  • The benefit of sharing is that a program does not need to duplicate data unnecessarily,
    • which results in lower memory use and less copying of data.
      • Objects can easily be assigned,
        • sent as function arguments, and
        • returned from functions.
  • Implicit sharing mostly takes place behind the scenes; the programmer rarely needs to worry about it.
    • However, Qt’s container iterators have different behaviour than those from the STL. Read Qt - Implicit Sharing iterator problem.
  • In multithreaded applications implicit sharing takes place, as explained in Qt - Threads and Implicitly Shared Classes.
  • When implementing your own implicitly shared classes, use the QSharedData, and QSharedDataPointer classes.

Implicit Sharing in Detail

  • Copy-On-Write or Value semantics
    • Implicit sharing automatically detaches the object from a shared block
      • if the object is about to change and the reference count is greater than one.
    • An implicitly shared class has control of its internal data.
      • In any member functions that modify its data,
        • it automatically detaches before modifying the data.
    • Qt - Implicit Sharing iterator problem is the special case.
  • The QPen class, which uses implicit sharing, detaches from the shared data in all member functions that change the internal data.
void QPen::setStyle(Qt::PenStyle style)
  detach();         // detach from common data
  d-style = style;  // set the style member

void QPen::detach()
  if (d->ref != 1) {
    ...             // perform a deep copy

List of Classes

  • The classes listed below automatically detach from common data if an object is about to be changed.
    • The programmer will not even notice that the objects are shared.
    • Thus you should treat separated instances of them as separate objects.
      • They will always behave as separate objects
        • but with the added benefit of sharing data whenever possible.
    • For this reason, you can pass instances of these classes as arguments to functions by value without concern for the copying overhead.
QPixmap p1, p2;
p2 = p1;                      // p1 and p2 share data

QPainter paint;
paint.begin(&p2);             // cuts p2 loose from p1
paint.drawText(0, 50, "Hi");