The observer pattern

  • Nearly all UI toolkits have a mechanism to detect an user action, and respond to this action.
    • Some of them use callbacks, other use listeners, but basically, all of them are inspired by the observer pattern.
    • Observer pattern is used when an observable object wants to notify other observers objects about a state change.
      • An user has clicked on a button -> a menu should be displayed
      • A web page just finished loading -> a process should extract some information from this loaded page.
      • An user is scrolling through a list of items(in an app store for example) -> reached the end, so other items should be loaded
    • Observer pattern is used everywhere in GUI applications,
      • And often leads to some boilerplate code (duplicate code).
        • Qt was created with the idea of removing this boilerplate code and providing a nice and clean syntax,
        • And the signal and slots mechanism is the answer.

Signals and slots

  • Instead of having observable objects and observers, and registering them, Qt provides two high level concepts: signals and slots.
    • A signal is a message
      • that object can send
      • most of the time to inform of a status change
    • A slots is a function (handler?)
      • that is used to accept and respond to a signal
  • Examples from QPushButton class.
    • Signals
      • clicked (pressed & released)
      • pressed
      • released
    • Slots
      • QApplication::quit
      • QWidget::setEnabled
      • QPushButton::setText
  • In order to respond to a signal, a slot must be connected to a signal.
    • Qt provides the method QObject::connect.
      • It is used this way, with the two macros SIGNAL and SLOT
      FooObjectA *fooA = new FooObjectA();
      FooObjectB *fooB = new FooObjectB();
      QObject::connect(fooA, SIGNAL (bared()), fooB, SLOT (baz()));
      • assuming that FooObjectA have a bared signal, and FooObjectB have a baz slot.
        • write signature of the signal and the slot inside the two macros SIGNAL and SLOT.
      • Remark: Basically, signals and slots are methods, that might or might not have arguments,
        • but that never return anything.
      • While the notion of a signal as a method is unusual,
        • a slot is actually a real method, and can be called as usual in other methods, or whilst responding to a signal.

Transmitting information

  • The signals and slots mechanism is useful to respond to buttons clicks, but it can do much more than that.
    • For example, it can also be used to communicate information.
      • While playing song,
        • a progress bar is needed to show how much time remains before the song is over.
        • A media player might have a class that is used to check the progress of the media.
          • An instance of this class might periodically send a tick signal, with the progress value. This signal can be connected to a QProgressBar, that can be used to display the progress.
          • The hypothetical class used to check the progress might have a signal that have this signature:
            void MediaProgressManager::tick(int ms);
          • and we know from the documentation, that the QProgressBar has this slot:
            void QProressBar::setValue(int value);
          • You can see that the signal and the slot have the same kind of parameters, especially the type int.
            • If you connect a signal to a slot that does not share the same kind of parameters, when the connection is done (at run-time) you will get a warning like:

              QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments

            • This is because the signal transmits the information to the slot using the parameters.
            • The first parameter of the signal is passed to the first one of the slot, and the same for second, third, and so forth.
          • The code for the connection will look like this:
            MediaProgressManager *manager = new MediaProgressManager();
            QProgressBar *progress = new QProgressBar(window);
            QObject::connect(manager, SIGNAL (tick(int)), progress, SLOT (setValue(int)) );
            • You can see that you have to provide a signature inside the SIGNAL and SLOT macro, providing the type of values that are passed through the signals.
              • You may also provide the name of the variable if you want. (It is actually even better).

Feature of signals and slots

  • A signal can be connected to several slots
  • Many signals can be connected to a slot
  • A signal can be connected to a signal:
    • it is signal relaying.
    • The second is sent if the first signal is sent


  • Responding to an event
    • QPushButton provides the clicked signal.
    • QApplication provides the quit slot, that closes the application.
    • In order to make a click on a button close the app, we have to connect the signal clicked of the button to the quit slot of QApplication instance.
    • How to access to the QApplication instance while you are in another class.
      • There exists a static function in QApplication, with the following signature, that is used to get it:
        QApplication * QApplication::instance()
      • This leads to the following modification of our previous code: ```window.cpp #include “window.h”

      #include #include

      Window::Window(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { // Set size of the window setFixedSize(100, 50);

      // Create and position the button m_button = new QPushButton(“Hello World”, this); m_button->setGeometry(10, 10, 80, 30);

      // New : Do the connection connect(m_button, SIGNAL (clicked()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT (quit()) ); } ```

      • While clicking on the button inside of the window, the application should quit.

Transmitting information with signals and slots

  • Simpler example for information transmission.
    • Only displays a progress bar and a slider (created by QSlider) inside a window, and while the slider is moved, the value of the progress bar is synced with a very simple connection.
      void QSlider::valueChanged(int value);
      void QProgressBar::setValue(int value);
    • QSlider automatically emits the signal valueChanged with the new value passed as a parameter when the value is changed, and the method setValue of QProgressBar, is used to set the value of the progress bar.
    #include <QApplication>
    #include <QProgressBar>
    #include <QSlider>
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      QApplication app(argc, argv);
      // Create a container window
      Window window;
      window.setFixedSize(200, 140);
      // Create a progress bar
      // with the range between 0 and 100, and a starting value of 0
      QProgressBar* progressBar = new QProgressBar(&window);
      progressBar->setRange(0, 100);
      progressBar->setGeometry(10, 50, 180, 30);
      // Create a horizontal slider
      // with the range between 0 and 100, and a starting value of 0
      QSlider* slider = new QSlider(&window);
      slider->setRange(0, 100);
      slider->setGeometry(10, 90, 180, 30);
      // Connection
      // This connection set the value of the progress bar
      // while the slider's value changes
      QObject::connect( slider, SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), progressBar, SLOT (setValue(int)) );
      return app.exec();