Step by step guide

Install Git

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -q -y git

Generate your SSH key for your convenient git work

Easier way to be ready for the SensorFusionProject

Clone the “Post format settings” git repository

git clone

# if you have a ssh-key
git clone

Change the permission of the files for script execution

sudo chmod 755 post-format-settings/*
cd post-format-settings

Change the Git Configurations Information

  • Replace the followings with your information
    • “”
    • “UserName”
    • core.editor “gedit”

Run each script one by one (reboot required for some scripts)

# Update this 'post-format-settings' git first!
git fetch && git rebase


# if you use Ubuntu 22.04, it is safe to continue.

# Check graphic card version =>
# <<Reboot the Desktop!>>

# <<Reboot the Desktop!>>

# Clone the 'carla-autoware' git on you system
# Copy the '' and '0001-modify-to-use-CARLA-Autoware.patch' to your 'carla-autoware' directory
# Go to the 'carla-autoware' local repository on your system

It’s done!

Report any error message or inconvenient situation to JoSH